NG Absolute Form Validator - V2.0


Now Absolute validation comes with milti language  error message. Default and fallback language is en.  Language can be add is three separate way.

  1. Inline message which will be the 1 priority.
  2. Add Mesage from config which will be the 2nd priroty.
  3. Default build in message which will be the 3rd prority.    
#Inline message code snippet
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(form)" #form="ngForm">
        [message]="{en:{above:'The :attribute should be above :arg0.'},ar:{above:'ال :attribute يجب أن يكون أعلاه :arg0.'}}" 
#From config message code snippet
    message : {
		en:{above:'The :attribute should be above :arg0.'},
		ar:{above:'ال :attribute يجب أن يكون أعلاه :arg0.'}