NG Absolute Form Validator - V2.0

Validation Message

All the validation display will follow the json structure data. :attribute paramiter is used to display the field name in message. arg0,arg1... is useed to display another required value to display in message. It is only applicable for module root config.

#Display Message
Rule Message
above The :attribute should be above :arg0.
accepted The :attribute must be accepted.
after The :attribute must be a date after :arg0.
alpha The :attribute may only contain letters.
alpha_dash The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.
alpha_numeric The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.
array The :attribute must be an array.
before The :attribute must be a date before :arg0.
boolean The :attribute field must be true or false.
confirmed The :attribute confirmation does not match.
credit_card The :attribute must be a valid credit card number.
cvv The :attribute must be a valid CVV number.
date The :attribute is not a valid date.
date_format The :attribute does not match the format :arg0.
debit_card The :attribute must be a valid debit card number.
different The :attribute and :arg0 must be different.
email The :attribute must be a valid email address.
ends_with The :attribute must end with one of the following: :arg0
equals The :attribute must be equal with :arg0
exists The selected :attribute is invalid.
image The :attribute must be a valid image.
in The selected :attribute is invalid.
includes The :attribute must be contain with :arg0:.
integer The :attribute must be an integer.
ip The :attribute must be a valid IP address.
ipv4 The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address.
ipv6 The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address.
json The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.
max.array The :attribute may not have more than :arg0 items.
max.numeric The :attribute may not be greater than :arg0.
max.string The :attribute may not be greater than :arg0 characters.
min.array The :attribute must have at least :arg0 items.
min.numeric The :attribute must be at least :arg0.
min.string The :attribute must be at least :arg0 characters.
mimes The :attribute must be a file of type :arg0:.
not_equals The :attribute must not be equal with :arg0
not_in The selected :attribute is invalid.
not_regex The :attribute format is invalid.
number The :attribute must be a number.
phone_no The :attribute must be a valid phone number.
range The :attribute must be between :arg0 and :arg1.
regex The :attribute format is invalid.
required The :attribute field is required.
required_if The :attribute field is required when :arg0 is :arg1.
required_unless The :attribute field is required unless :arg0 is in :arg1:.
required_with The :attribute field is required when any of :arg0: is present.
required_with_all The :attribute field is required when :arg0: are present.
required_without The :attribute field is required when :arg0: is not present.
required_without_all The :attribute field is required when none of :arg0: are present.
same The :attribute and :arg0 must match.
size The :attribute must be :arg0 KB or less.
starts_with The :attribute must start with one of the following: :arg0
string The :attribute must be a string.
strength The :attribute is not strong enough.
under The :attribute must be usder :arg0.
url The :attribute format is invalid.
uuid The :attribute must be a valid UUID.
unique The :attribute has already been taken.
video The :attribute must be a valid video.